Thursday, July 15, 2010

I think gardening is not going to work for me here at this house. There are sooo many mosquitoes that it's crazy. How fun is it to spray down with repellent every time I want to go water or weed or plant. It's ridiculous. Plus, no matter what, most of the stuff I have now is either eaten or diseased. I can't stand it, the more I garden this yr. the more money I need to spend on pesticides and composts and fungicides and I am simply not going to do it. It's getting to be too much. So, I will let whatever else is going to produce this summer to do it's thing, and then I'll throw a few seeds in pots for the fall, but that's it. I need a better place to do this and unless we get rid of these pests, I am not willing to keep putting money, money, money into this garden that's not giving much back and I am certainly not willing to be a pin-cushion for the mosquitoes anymore. Such a bummer!!

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